Wednesday, November 23, 2011

a mix by dj gilliflower (i.e., me)

i began this mix in the summer of 2010 after hearing kemilliset ystävät’s “kun mina uppoan” (a non-album track included only on the kivikasan rauhassa ep) and glynis jones’ “schlum roomi” for the first time on the same day. to my ears, these tracks seemed to share a similarly strange yet innocent quality. i immediately imagined a small group of alien children who fell to earth and began to try and communicate in their unfamiliar—and often scary--surroundings. the mix, which i made quickly and instinctively, as I do a radio show, came to represent these beings’ journey of discovery. after letting the mix sit for several months, i made a few tweaks to the segues and track selection in november and december of 2010. it was shared with a few friends in early 2011 as new year's gifts, but i thought maybe a few more people might be interested to hear it.

i still enjoy listening to it, and i hope you do, too.

if you're wondering what's on the mix, click here (and then click again to enlarge) to see the full version of the game board shown above; it's a graphic representation of the musical "journey" taken in the mix. (there's also a good old-fashioned text file included, though, so don't worry.) many thanks to pilllpat/agence eureka for the original scan of the game board, which i shamelessly nicked from her ever astounding flickr.

edit: yikes! i noticed there are two tracks missing from the game board: track 5 should be: es – sadepäivät and track 7 should be belbury poly - pan's garden.  sorry! silly hidden layers...

AUGUST 2012 EDIT:  i originally posted this mix on a filesharing site, but it has since been taken down.  It's now up on Mixcloud here.  And the track listing is way easier to read.

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