Saturday, November 21, 2009

ono's sales list 1965

so, as i've mentioned before, i used to have a really cool job, where i regularly got to handle some very cool things. when i came across something i especially loved (and i could sneak away from my desk for a moment), i'd carefully make a photocopy.

one such thing was yoko ono's conceptual sales list from 1965. as she mentions on her website, 200 copies were sent out to people who followed her work at the time. i guess i was processing the papers of one such individual, because i was holding what appeared to be an original copy.

while the sales list included some "real" items (e.g., copies of ono's grapefruit book), one has to wonder if anyone ever tried to purchase any of the more conceptual works. i for one would have given an eye tooth to see guaranteed-not-to-be-artificial pink snow fall and cover someone's town.

"underwear to make you high"...only for women.

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